A downloadable game for Windows

This is the VR version of my Final Major Project 'Sonic Horror Immersion' for my Masters at the University of Edinburgh. To play the normal PC version of the game, you can find that here: https://dosh-meister.itch.io/sonic-horror-immersion-pc

The game is a simple horror game that focuses on the audio elements of horror.

All assets used within the game where either bought or free from the Unity Assets store. 

All sounds were recorded, edited, and implemented by myself.

Built using Unity, audio implemented using Wwise.


B219023_MusicMasterFinalProject_SonicHorrorImmersion.rar 1,001 MB

Install instructions

Download the file and extract it. To play the game you must have a VR headset and a controller. There is a document called 'READ ME' within the Game_Build folder. To play the game, go into the folder Game_Build>Game_Files and open the file 'VR Test World.exe'. This will open the game directly.

The downloaded file also contains the document for my Project if you are interested in reading.


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